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Knowledge Management, Data collections and M&E

This traing has three phases as follow;

Phase 1

This course provides in-depth knowledge and skills associated with the first and second phases of the Analytics Process Model—framing the question and collecting data. Through individual, small-group, and large-group exercises; discussions; and computer applications; participants learn about and practice formulating a data collection plan, selecting appropriate data collection methods, developing a survey, and conducting interviews and observations. Each day of the course, participants are given time in class to work on a group project

Guide of training:

Module 1: Specify the objectives of the data collection
Module 3: Design or modify the data collection instruments.
Module 2: Decide which variables to focus on.
Module 4: Collect and analyze
Module 5: Develop the data collection plan
Module 6: Data entry methods
Training result
M&E definition

Phase Two:

M&E analysis tools. M&E framework and planning Reporting

Phase Three Communication framework. Communication strategic plan Communication tools and channel Success stories and reporting Photos and visibility quality