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Anti Budget Corruption and Financial Management for Public Sector

Budgeting and financial management are at the core of public and sector economic reform programs in most countries around the world. With the increasing demands and pressures for enhanced service delivery and the challenges of budgetary crises and fiscal shocks, the need for improved budget processes and innovative financial management techniques is especially critical in developing and emerging economies. Within this context the primary objective of budget analysis is to determine the progress, challenges and opportunities for improving the quality and quantity of public spending. Budget analyses generate the evidence required to engage effectively with policy and budget makers. Through budget analysis we can tell whether public spending on people priorities is increasing or decreasing and is adequate or not.

This two weeks training is designed to give you the skills you need to reform budget systems and contribute to strengthening public financial management in Sudan and around the world.

The main areas of training are;

Definition of government, government structure, public sector and budget.
Budget and macro-economy
Coverage of the budget.
Financial programming
Public finance and economic growth
Budget and stabilization policy
The main principles for good governance and expenditure management.
Financing the budget and budget deficits
Revenue forecasting techniques
Management and organization of budget processes
Alternative budget frameworks including MTEF (medium-term expenditure framework)
Input-control and output-oriented performance or results-based budgeting techniques
Balanced scorecard approaches to budgeting and management
Budget as an instrument of managerial performance
Budget analysis, monitoring and evaluation of budget performance
Negotiation techniques and conflict resolution within the budgeting process and implementation
Indicators of budget policy, institutions, and processes
Budget implementation, cash management, and budget monitoring techniques
Fiscal transparency and accountability standards and assessment
Fiscal decentralization and budgeting
Capital budgeting, cost-benefit, and cost effectiveness analyses
Budgeting and poverty reduction strategies
Debt management
Role, budgeting and management of foreign aid Fiscal aspects of external and domestic debt management