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Our story

Inspired by the Bloomberg empire, LEEN was founded back in 2017 to provide economic and investment consultancy. In our first year we dedicated our efforts to exposing Sudanese investors to local & international opportunities, worked with local & international NGOs on capacity building sessions and studies. After creating a community of clients, supporters and partners, we decided to pursue our goal of participating in improving the investment and economic status in Sudan on a larger scale.

2019 was the year of change in Sudan, we took this golden opportunity to be part of the change by volunteering to work with NGOs and government institutions to create a support system for the first democratic government in Sudan after more than 30 years dictatorship and corruption.

In a country where we lack basic investment infrastructure, where food security is still an issue and inflation rate has reached the dangerous levels of more than 60%, we chose to be part of the building movement and we believe that the first step to do that is through sharing valuable information and facts about the status of Sudan today and how we can work together to develop a strong economy.

Today we introduce our series of articles that tackles varity of economic issues and solutions, written by our pool of economic experts, who combined accommodate more than 200 years of experience.

We believe in the importance of sharing the facts of our Sudanese market with the average Sudanese citizen, so we can together own the facts that can help uplift our nation.

Stay tuned to our #LEENinsights to get your monthly dose of economic facts, takes and most importantly solutions and initiatives.